Need advice? Send Momma B your question.
Hello dear listener,
We know that sometimes it's a challenge to put your feelings into words when you have a dilemma or feel stuck, but we've tried to make the process as easy as possible.
We are now accepting questions on all topics related to your emotional wellbeing. So if you are feeling a bit stuck in your personal, creative, or professional life and a little advice from a thoughtful therapist mom could help, please send in your question on the form below or if you like to send time email craftin' & inbox draftin', you can also email us at Thanks in advance for sharing your story with us!
Smiles across the miles,
Momma B & Rebecca
Need some help crafting an advice request? Check out our Good Question Recommendations and some Sample Questions below.
Advice Request Form
Or call or text us: 1-706-Y-ASK-MOM
Leave us a voicemail: 1-706-927-5666. We promise we won't answer.
Send a text: 1-706-927-5666. Text & data rates apply.
Good Question Recommendations
Interested on what we think makes a good advice question? Awww, aren't you sweet to ask! Length-wise: your question doesn't need to be long, just enough to get the important details across.1 or 2 paragraphs usually does it!
3 Steps to Question Greatness:
- An interesting way to deliver facts about yourself (age, gender, profession) as they apply
- A brief synopsis of your current situation and how it makes you feel
- End with a clear question that you have about your situation
Bonus: Give yourself an awesome nom de plume that sheds a little extra light on who you are or what your question is about. If you can't think of a pseudonym, we are happy to help with that if your question is selected.
Sample Questions
Check out these past listener questions to get your ideas flowing!
This year I graduated from art school and I’m proud to say I’m fully-employed as a junior product designer. Sometimes, I miss doing art projects, but now I don’t know what I want to draw, paint or sculpt. In college, we always had fun projects to work on, but now I'm at a loss. But on the other hand, I'm also at a loss for time...Is it possible to get back into art with a full-time job or will I have to wait until I’m old and have earned it, then pick up a paintbrush and become the next Wayne Thiebaud? ;-)
Signed, Pass the Pastels
How do you know when it's time to *move on*? Is it when you first ask yourself the question? Is there a time limit to how long you should stay somewhere? Like at a job?
I’m a thoughtful and quiet single guy. I’ve had the same job for 10 years and lived in the same place for 14 years. I’m in the midst of an emotional week: I felt humbled by coworkers, celebrating my work anniversary. I felt sad and regretful after coming across my grandparent’s obituary and not visiting them more often. And I’m fearful that I will soon be evicted when the building I live in is finally sold.
I’m trying to balance the anxiety of not making a change, while everyone around me moves on. It's a question of making a change for the sake of change, but I don't really know where to go.
Signed, Long-Term Tenant
I'm a female creative professional, working in tech industry for the past 8 years. A few years ago, I left a terrible work situation at a "hot" tech start-up. Employees were pitted against each other and rewarded for gutting their peers' projects, sexual harassment was shrugged off on the daily, and shipping projects depended on currying favor with the higher ups' boys club rather than work, data and merit. I've had the good fortune of having plenty of good experiences and projects since I left, but I find my first instinct with people is still to assume they are trying to trick me, or prove that I'm not competent. I'm trying to be less suspicious, but there's a part of me that hangs onto the idea that I was supposed to 'learn' something from all that bad joojoo. What can I do to accept and validate my own experience without condemning all of humanity to the garbage heap?
Signed, Workplace Warrior
I'm a normal person with a normal job and a pretty normal life. Like many people this election season, I was motivated by fear to step out of my comfort zone and get political. I made calls for the Hillary campaign, wrote #ImWithHer letters, and even wore business-casual clothes to Las Vegas where I stood outside for 12 hours as a poll observer. The thing is, I LOVED it. I loved that feeling of working hard for something that mattered, and it was about 10x more satisfying than the sizable paycheck I get from my corporate marketing job. Now the election is over and I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to be doing... reading ALL the news, calling my local and national representatives, becoming a member of the ACLU, etc. But I feel like I'm permanently changed, and now everything in my day job seems so ridiculous and utterly meaningless. I used to think my job was fun, and that I was lucky for getting paid to be creative. Now I come home feeling disgusted with myself for wasting my brain, my time, and whatever meager semblance of talent I have left. (Yep, I'm in THAT kinda dark place.) My question is: What do I do now? How do I know if this feeling is a real sign to make a change or just a fleeting fancy of some 32-year-old with the social consciousness of a freshman at a liberal arts school?
Signed, Optimistic People-Pleaser
Want mawwwwr samples? Check out our Episode page for the complete archive.